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JANINE M. TRAULSEN (see Curriculum vitae)
Associate professor, Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The constantly changing role and job market for pharmacists - what does the future hold?
Who will be the pharmacists of the future and what will they be doing? One thing is certain; there is no one description of the pharmacy profession today. The profession is not only embedded in the culture and the laws of the land where it is practiced but more and more influenced by globalization, new technological advances and a constantly changing job market. This talk will address the challenges and opportunities facing the education and careers of pharmacists today and in the future.
LILIAN M. AZZOPARDI (see Curriculum vitae)
Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Malta, Malta
Innovations in clinical pharmacy education and research
Pharmacy professional services evolve over time in response to social needs and in tandem with developments in technology, regulatory and economic forces. Failure to respond and adapt may result in the professions loss of efficacy. Hence innovative processes within pharmacy professional services to ensure individualized patient care are essential.
From an education perspective, the challenge is to drive academia to also move in tandem with these developments in the profession. How do we integrate pharmaceutical sciences with clinical pharmacy education? Concepts of establishing the developments in innovative medicinal products and medical devices and how these are used within an interdisciplinary care model to ensure safe, rationale and effective patient care are presented. Different methods of teaching can be adopted to ensure clinical pharmacy education that is relevant for contemporary needs and which empowers graduates to deliver care with a vision for future innovations. How can pharmacy education support the delivery of innovative pharmaceutical services for individualized patient care? Examples of activities in clinical pharmacy education and research are reviewed.
RAUL-ALLAN KIIVET (see Curriculum vitae)
Professor of Health Care Management and Head of Department of Public Health, University of Tartu, Estonia
Medicalization and provider induced demand: can we meet the expectations?
This presentation tries to describe the drivers of the ever increasing demand for more and new medicines, and to what extent the expected efficacy of new treatment modalities has been translated into clinical efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
RAUL MILL (see Curriculum vitae)
Member of the Board, the Estonian eHealth Foundation, Tallinn, Estonia
Connecting health - future services
Ten years ago people believed that e-markets will push away real markets. Today we know that both have their place for the consumer. eHealth services have to make healthcare services more accessible for people but they will not replace a real doctor. Is the eHealth more a collection of information or technology? It is a co-operation model, supported by power of IT. Connected health is a new model for health management. It puts the correct information in the correct hands at the correct time.
The aim of the eHealth is same for patient and for physician but they need different tools and different presentation of the same information. Same data have to be combined and turned into information differently depending on the user. Therefore, like in many other fields, e-health has to specialize. Currently we are speaking more and more about personalized medicine and increasing role of the patient in the treatment process. It is true, that we all can make many things for making our health better and treatment more efficient. What do we need for it? We need to understand better the treatment process. For it we need very specific information in a comfort way and just in time. To monitor human activity and position; get treatment guidelines; get electronic feedback about drug consuming; get medical certificate and forward it digitally. It is not a future. It is today's situation. Future is an electronic medical assistant which connects patient and his doctor, can evaluate state of health and forward necessary information to patient and medical staff. The question of the future is how to combine data and what channels user needs for the information. Can we save more lives and have better health than today by using intelligent technological solutions? Do we have such an assistant in 2020?
MOIRA KINNEAR (see Curriculum vitae)
Pharmacy Education to Support Clinical Pharmacy Practice?
Pharmacy education has become patient focused and provides opportunities for students and trainees to develop competence in the application of knowledge in practice. Collaboration is necessary between universities and practitioners to ensure educational standards are met and to continuously develop and deliver education to meet professional requirements. Emphasis is now on development of competence which requires that learning outcomes have a hierarchy progressing from 'knows' through to 'knows how' and from 'shows how' to 'does'. It is recognised that clinical pharmacists require not only knowledge and skills for their professional practice but also skills associated with clinical leadership such as teamworking, management, education and training and research and evaluation. Experiences from a clinical pharmacy teacher (and practitioner) will be shared with focus on the challenges faced in the development of clinical pharmacy knowledge and skills. Pharmacists need more than expert knowledge about therapeutics, they need to be able to interpret clinical data and make decisions and judgements in collaboration with physicians and patients. Models of learning and development will be considered.
ANNE GERD GRANÅS (see Curriculum vitae)
Professor, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway
Performing clinical pharmacy studies across the Nordic and Baltic countries: how can we strengthen research by using joint protocols and/or supervision?
Clinical pharmacy has gained much attention in the Nordic and Baltic countries the last two decades. However, the studies performed are often underpowered and performed within a single country. This is in sharp contrast to clinical studies performed by the pharmaceutical industry, where randomized controlled trials are performed with the same research protocol across different countries and even continents. Does clinical pharmacy research have anything to learn from this?
This lecture will highlight how we improve collaboration across national borders by performing studies within clinical pharmacy with high validity and stronger impact. Some examples from success stories and lessons learnt will be discussed. Given the opportunity of this particular meeting: how can we use information technology to support future study design, exchange of nationally developed software, and involve PhD-students and supervisors to interact more actively between our countries?
MARJA AIRAKSINEN (see Curriculum vitae)
Professor of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland
How pharmacists can contribute to patient and medication safety as part of the healthcare team?
Patient safety is a central part of quality and risk management in health care. Medication safety is considered as an essential area of patient safety since adverse drug events are the most frequent single type of adverse events. Medication safety refers to the safety of medication use and medication management processes in diverse healthcare settings. The term covers the principles and operations of the healthcare and social service units, geared at ensuring safe medicine use and protecting the patient from harm. The aim of this presentation is to describe patient and medication safety initiatives in Finland. The early phase initiatives had their roots in international initiatives, particularly in Council of Europe's patient and medication safety recommendations (2006). The review also describes medication safety research linked to policy initiatives to inform implementation of safety culture in medication management in hospitals and outpatient care.
Systems approach to patient and medication safety has opened new opportunities for community and hospital pharmacists to contribute to patient care. It is important that pharmacists are actively involved in research and development projects and contribute by their special knowledge on medication management and medication safety. National and local patient safety coordination groups provide good opportunities for collaboration. The same applies to regional coordination groups for planning and integrating local health services (local coordination required by Health Care Act 2011). Collaboration between academic researchers and those conducting research in health care organizations still needs to be enhanced. This has been facilitated through the National Patient Safety Program 2011-2014, enhancing dialogue between researchers and practitioners to assure evidence-informed development of the safer healthcare system.
Pharmacists have contributed to the development and implementation of several tools to improve medication safety in hospitals and primary care. Development of clinical medication reviews and adoption of ISMP's Medication Safety Self-Assessment tools are examples of such tools. Cumulating evidence on medication safety risks has led to an increased demand of clinical pharmacists, and the national specialization program in clinical hospital pharmacy was started by University of Helsinki in 2010. The training builds on the systems approach to patient and medication safety. The goal is to educate pharmacists to coordinate medication safety work in their institutions in collaboration with other professionals involved in patient care. "Medicines Policy 2020" document by Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2011) prioritized medication safety and medication management as a collaborative process within healthcare among the key strategic areas. The strategy provides a strong basis for promoting practices assuring medication safety throughout the healthcare.
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